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Bespoke University Admissions Support

We are proud to work in partnership with teachers and school leadership to develop bespoke programmes

 We work closely with schools to develop programmes that are bespoke to the needs of your students, and can accommodate cohorts of any size.

These programmes involve regular tutorials that are held one-to-one or in small groups, targeting each area of their applications at the right time. Our tutors, all members of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, have considerable experience in mentoring applicants to develop critical thinking and confidence.

Contact our Universities Team to arrange a consultation and discuss how we could  enhance your school’s success with university offers.

Interview Preparation Oxbridge Admissions Cambridge Oxford

Competitive University Applications

A bespoke programme can offer comprehensive, long-term guidance for students applying to highly selective universities and courses. 

We have expertise in supporting applicants for Oxbridge and Imperial, and for competitive courses such as Medicine and Law.

Supporting all applicants

We are familiar with developing adaptable programmes to ensure that every student applying to university receives the right help.

A bespoke programme could be designed to enable all your students to participate in a core programme, with optional additional stage(s) to address particular application requirements, as exemplified below:

What can we offer your school?

Why choose us?

We work in partnership with schools around the world, and with cohorts of any size.

We can offer targeted support for Oxbridge, Medicine and Law applicants, or create a programme that involves all university applicants.

Admissions Tests

We can support students with  preparation for admissions tests, either one-to-one or in small groups. We have specialist tutors for every UK university entrance test, who can help your students master the technique for these competitive tests.

We also offer schools licenses for our own unique mock test papers.


We can provide both interview technique tutorials and formal mock interviews, accompanied by detailed feedback.

We have highly qualified tutors for all Oxbridge subjects, meaning students can gain a realistic experience of their real interviews with an academic expert.

Reviews from Students

I just received a conditional offer from Hertford College – I’m so happy! Thank you so much for all your help and advice these few months, it’s been so fun working with you and it’s genuinely one of my highlights every week.

I’m happy to say got an offer to study Law at Cambridge! Thank you for all your support in getting me prepared through the mock interview. It was very helpful in developing my critical thinking skills and my experience was very positive. My interviewer gave me detailed feedback both in person and written, and it greatly helped me prepare for my interview.

I wanted to say thank you for helping me with my application, and I thought that you might like to know that I have been offered a place!  I really enjoyed our conversations, and I really appreciated your help with the whole process.

Reviews from Teachers

Working with Oxford and Cambridge Tutors has offered real peace of mind for me as a counsellor. There are lots of brilliant aspects to the service they provide including excellent and detailed reports on students and a hard-working and responsive backroom team. But the thing that has most impressed us has been their flexibility. The cohort who go onto make Oxbridge applications can vary massively from year to year and across the course of the application process. Oxford and Cambridge Tutors have consistently been able to make changes at short notice and work with us logistically and financially to provide a bespoke package that works for our school and our students.

— Head of Higher Education,
The Alice Smith School

Working in collaboration with Oxford and Cambridge Tutors supporting Year 12 and Year 13 prepare for Oxbridge has been a fantastic experience. Our students have enjoyed the academic challenge, focusing on the super curriculum and detailed preparation for extra testing and Oxbridge interviews. The detailed lesson reports shared with students and their teachers, help create collaborative teamwork between school and tutors to support students beyond the curriculum. David and his team are professional, highly qualified and tutorials are well planned and interactive. I would highly recommend Oxford and Cambridge Tutors to all students preparing for the vigorous Oxbridge application process.

— Head of Sixth Form,
Harrow International School Bangkok

This year, our students received 3 conditional offers from Cambridge and 12 conditional offers from University of Oxford. Without all the staff’s hard work in your team, we would not have been able to obtain such achievements. All the students would like to express thanks for your team, and they agree that the guidance on Cambridge and Oxford interviews from tutors are professional and helpful. One of them has told me that she had not had much confidence, but with her two tutors’ help, she felt more confident and comfortable to take part in her Oxford Physics interview.

— Higher Education Team,
Pennon Education

To register your interest, please

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call us on 01865 655660

One of our admissions experts will be in touch. 

Schools Enquiry Form