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Tutoring in a time of home working

Oxbridge Oxford Cambridge mentoring tutor university admission

Whatever your educational stage, Oxford Tutors provides friendly advice and support, along with exceptionally talented tutors from top Oxford schools and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.ย  From Year 3 upwards, through those all-important senior school entry years, via GCSE and A Levels, and through to Undergraduate studies, we can help you and your child realise your educational goals.

We have developed unique materials to help diagnose areas of weakness to ensure that your childโ€™s and our combined efforts are focused on success.ย  Our experienced team of education advisors has decades of experience of private schoolsโ€™ entry requirements to help you navigate the uncertainties of choosing a school to a happy and successful outcome.ย  We have an outstanding record of preparing candidates for Oxford and Cambridge admissions tests and interviews, pairing them one-to-one with successful past entrants and using our unique proprietary materials.

We recognise that the reasons for seeking tutoring support are many and varied, from international transfers, augmenting home teaching or reaching for those extra grades to secure the next stage of your childโ€™s educational ambitions.ย  Successful tutoring turns on the fit between student and tutor which is key to building a successful relationship, so we have interviewed all our tutors in person to ensure they meet the gold standard that we require.

Many factors contribute to the success of tutoring. Oxford Tutors brings these together to provide an exceptional tutoring experience whether in the real or virtual world. ย We may all be finding life rather static at present, but your childโ€™s education doesnโ€™t need to be.

โ€” Laura, Education Consultant,